The Impostor Syndrome【ENGLISH BLOG】

Have you ever hear of “The Impostor Syndrome”

What is It ?

In simple, it means undervaluing their own ability.
”It is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”.”
(from wikipedia)

People not only undervalue themselves, but at the same time are racked with a sense of guilty because the impression that success has arrived thanks only to their good luck.
Furthermore, the fear that their cover would be blown and they are revealed to be an imposter has the potential to bring on significant depression. This phenomenon is especially present in business and education.


In Educational Field

There was a survey for newly admitted students to Stanford University.
When the students were asked, “Do you think you were admitted due to some clerical mistakes by the admissions department?”

Two-third of the students put their hand up immediately.

Same result came out in Harvard and Yale University.
During the survey, the classroom falls utterly silent.The Students can look around the classroom, and realise that other students also are racked with a sense of guilty.When told that this phenomenon is given the name of ”impostor syndrome”.They express their relief.

(Reference from ”Insight Out” Tina Seelig)

The Impostor Syndrome : Childhood Dream

I used to play football when I was kid.At that time,I could imagine winning a prefecture tournament but couldn’t imagine winning a national championship.Beyond that, I could never ever dream of winning a world championship.

Why were my childhood goals seemed so impossible?
Nowadays as an adult, making the world our stage is quite a normal thing.

We must have some successful experiences, even though those might be few and small.

I’m also doing business on the world stage.
We have to rack up a lot more.
Definitely doable !

Masahiko KUMADA / MAC

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